States of matter
The whole constellation started from this picture.
showing abstract position of a paper; influenced by 3 strings and some light effects.
thus summoned all the decisions and objects to become what they are.
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one of the first objects. directly influenced from the first photo. contains sand; influenced by 3 iron strings.
a computer with a mirror hanged on a fabric. makes the viewer worry about the computers position, the mirror shows the viewer both the video art and his feelings at the same time.
moving around the object affects the paper and moves it as well.
The Anti Thesis showing the fabrics capability used in our day to days lives. we tend to fold and compress clothes so that we can arrange it all in squares to fit to our small living area. a box of folded clothes is the opposite state of matter.
Through many ideas i realized the only thing i want to do is control where to catch the fabric. the rest will happen due to the fabrics characters. these are the few connectors. the top one is the chosen fitting one.
bringing a dramatic feeling to the composition. by showing stretch capabilities and dense at the same matter. contains an iron tube- to complex the visual show.